1994학년도 제1차 대학수학능력시험 영어
시행 : 1993.08.20(금)
대상 : 고등학교 3학년
출제 : 교육과정평가원
1993-08 고3 1차 수능 3영어[문제].pdf
1993-08 고3 1차 수능 3영어[듣기].mp3
1993-08 고3 1차 수능 3영어[정답].pdf
1993-08 고3 1차 수능 3영어[듣기대본].pdf
1993-08 고3 1차 수능 3영어[해설].pdf
삽화, 사진, 표는 누락되어 있습니다. 원본 파일을 참고하시기 바랍니다.
1번부터 8번까지는 듣고 답하는 문제입니다. 문제지를 보고 방송을 잘 듣으면서 답을 하기 바랍니다. 듣는 내용은 한 번만 들려 드립니다.
1. 대화를 듣고, Sally를 그림에서 고르시오.
2. 대화를 듣고, 남자가 사려는 물건의 치수(size)를 고르시오.
① 12
② 13
③ 14
④ 30
⑤ 31
3. 대화를 듣고, 두 사람이 만날 시각을 고르시오.
① 12 : 30
② 1 : 00
③ 1 : 30
④ 2 : 00
⑤ 2 : 30
4. 대화를 듣고, 이 대화가 이루어진 장소를 고르시오.
① library
② airport
③ restaurant
④ post office
⑤ gymnasium
5. 대화를 듣고, 남자의 직업을 고르시오.
① actor
② milkman
③ painter
④ waiter
⑤ photographer
6. 대화를 듣고, 여자가 전화를 건 목적을 바르게 나타낸 것을 고르시오.
① 물건을 사려고
② 약속을 하려고
③ 취직을 하려고
④ 진찰을 받으려고
⑤ 결근을 알리려고
7. 대화를 듣고, 여자가 말하려는 의도를 바르게 나타낸 것을 고르시오.
① 그 식당에 가지 마라.
② 즐거운 마음으로 봉사하라.
③ 그 낡은 침대를 바꾸어라.
④ 돈을 예금하라.
⑤ 단 음식을 피하라.
8. 다음을 듣고, 무엇에 관하여 이야기하고 있는지를 고르시오.
① Marathons
② Olives
③ Olympics
④ Athletes
⑤ Countries
이제 듣기 문제는 다 끝났습니다. 9번 문제부터는 문제지의 지시에 따라 답을 하기 바랍니다.
9. 빈 칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
A : Excuse me. Which is Bob Scott’s house?
B :
It’s the third house on the left.
① I don’t know.
② Bob Scott’s house?
③ There’s no Bob Scott here.
④ I’m a stranger here.
⑤ You’ve got a wrong person.
10. 다음 글을 읽고, 밑줄 친 부분 중 어색한 부분이 있는지를 결정하고, 만약 있다면 그 부분을 고르시오.
A check was(A) once returned to a millionaire from a bank. It bore(B) a stamped imprint : “Insufficient Funds.” Beneath the stamped imprint was(C) a notation from the bank in ink. It was appeared to read(D), “Not you-us!”
One day Tom came across Mary on his way home from school. She looked gloomy. Tom found that she was concerned about her math exam next week. She liked the course, but she wasn’t well prepared for the exam. Tom gave her some encouragement. And Mary thanked him.
Tom : You don’t look very well.
What’s wrong with you, Mary?
Mary : I’m rather worried.
Tom : About what?
Mary : The math exam. (11)
Tom : (12) , Mary.
Mary : Thanks a lot.
What’s wrong with you, Mary?
Mary : I’m rather worried.
Tom : About what?
Mary : The math exam. (11)
Tom : (12) , Mary.
Mary : Thanks a lot.
11. 빈 칸 (11)에 적합하지 않은 것은?
① I am not well prepared for it.
② I have it next week.
③ I feel very nervous about it.
④ I am really concerned about it.
⑤ I don’t like the course.
12. 빈 칸 (12)에 적합하지 않은 것은?
① Look on the bright side of things.
② Don’t let it get you down
③ Don’t be so discouraging
④ Don’t be so negative about it.
⑤ Take it easy.
13. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 밑줄 친 부분을 고칠 필요가 있는 지를 결정하고, 필요가 있다면 가장 잘 고쳐진 것을 고르시오.
My brother became ill yesterday. I paid little attention to him and did not send him to hospital, because his illness did not seem to be serious. Now his condition is changing for the worse. I regret having paid little attention to him. In other words, I should be paid more attention to him.
① had better pay little attention
② should have paid more attention
③ had rather pay little attention
④ should like to pay little attention
⑤ 고칠 필요 없음
14. 다음 대화에서 밑줄 친 it가 의미하는 것은?
A : Have you just come from Hawaii?
B : Yes, It’s beautiful there right now. It’s always nice and hot in June and July. It’s the best season to visit.
A : So I hear. And it never rains, does it?
B : You’d be surprised! In fact, it rains quite a lot from November to February. So if you go there during the winter, you should take an umbrella. I think the hotels keep quiet about the rain. They want to keep it a secret!
① 호텔이 너무 덮다.
② 연중 비가 오지 않는다.
③ 겨울에 비가 많이 온다.
④ 여름에 비가 많이 온다.
⑤ 11월이 여행 최적기이다.
15. 다음 각 문장의 밑줄친 This(또는 this)가 공통적으로 나타내는 것은?
This not only expresses ideas but this may actually shape them. (S.Podair)
Literature is this charged with meaning. (E.Pound)
This separates men from other animals, but this also reduces them to the level of animals. (T.Szasz)
This is not merely a means of communication ; this is also an expression of shared assumptions. (E.Burr)
① gesture
② experience
③ ambition
④ happiness
⑤ language
16. 다음 글에서 “I”가 구체적으로 가리키는 것은?
I am often called “buried sunshine.” This is because I was formed from plants that used the sun to grow. I could also be called “buried gold” because of many valuable uses of mine. I am used to make fingernail polish, aspirin, and records of famous singers. My first use was for heating. Today I am still used for this purpose, especially in factories.
① sun
② gold
③ coal
④ wood
⑤ diamond
17. 다음 글에서 밑줄 친 how to draw를 통해 선생님이 의도한 의미와 Timmy가 이해한 의미가 가장 알맞게 짝지어진 것은?
Timmy, a kindergarten kid, had a great liking for sword dance shows on TV.
One day he went to school with a sword. Seeing Timmy carry a sword, his startled teacher exclaimed, “A sword! Whatever do you need a sword in this painting class for?”
“Well, you said,” explained Timmy, “we would all learn how to draw.”
① [선생님이 의도한 의미] : 칼을 뽑는 법 / [Timmy가 이해한 의미] : 서랍을 여는 법
② [선생님이 의도한 의미] : 그림을 그리는 법 / [Timmy가 이해한 의미] : 칼을 뽑는 법
③ [선생님이 의도한 의미] : 커튼을 치는 법 / [Timmy가 이해한 의미] : 의자를 당기는 법
④ [선생님이 의도한 의미] : 서랍을 여는 법 / [Timmy가 이해한 의미] : 그림을 그리는 법
⑤ [선생님이 의도한 의미] : 의자를 당기는 법 / [Timmy가 이해한 의미] : 서랍을 여는 법
[18~24] 빈 칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
18. A : Hi. Do you need help?
B : Yes. I was driving along. Somehow my car’s just stopped. And I can’t get it started again.
A : Maybe you’ve run out of gas.
B : I filled it up last night and I haven’t driven very far.
① That’s impossible.
② Yes, I drove.
③ You got the point.
④ That’s a good idea.
⑤ Yes, you may.
19. There are many situation in which we will do our evaluating silently to ourselves. For example, there may simply be no opportunity to respond aloud, or we may feel that the subject is too sensitive to respond to openly. , however, a spoken response can aid the evaluating process by making us more aware of how we think and what we value.
① In the past
② Repeatedly
③ Accordingly
④ At other times
⑤ Behind the times
20. Some writers think that to impress their readers, they have to use a lot of long words and try to sound “intellectual.” Most readers prefer to read something that is clear, that they don’t have to struggle with. They went the writer to do the work. If they have to spend time figuring out what the writer means, they’ll get impatient.
① That’s true.
② So is that.
③ This is not so.
④ They have to, too.
⑤ They aren’t, either.
21. No living creature, plant or animal, can exist in complete isolation. An animal is bound to depend on other living creatures, ultimately plants, for its food supply ; it must also depend upon the activities of plants for a continued oxygen supply for its respiration. Apart from these two basic , it may be affected directly or indirectly in countless different ways by other plants and animals around it.
① fantasies
② assumptions
③ intentions
④ relationships
⑤ irregularities
22. No matter how many electronic wonders we invent, we will need to read. Books may change from ; they may become plastic disks or video displays. But the art of reading will be more essential than ever. We cannot afford to lose the kind of sharp, clear thinking that reading requires. As one educator has said, “No matter how far we advance our technology, we’ll still need to know .”
① whom to give books
② where to get books
③ what to write and read
④ when to buy disks
⑤ how to think and read
23. As men and beasts get used to each other, kindness and understanding may slowly develop on one side, trust on the other. Both sides would gain by it. “After all,” says a zoo director, “the zoological garden is the only piece of ‘wilderness’ that most people will ever see ; while it does much to protect the animals, it performs a valuable service for itself.”
① the animal
② humanity
③ the plant
④ the garden
⑤ zoology
24. Some people feel that reading “for pleasure”(anything not directly connected to a job or immediately practical) is a waste of time. Spending hours with a book, they think, is unproductive dreaming. For example, when asked about reply, “I keep up with the professional literature, but I don’t have time for books.” Their tone implies that anyone with time to read books is somehow .
① a teacher
② a secretary
③ an idler
④ an editor
⑤ a businessman
25. 다음 글을 쓴 목적은?
Thank you for sending your check in payment of your July bill. Please accept our sincere excuses for writing to you as we did.
Our collection letters proceed automatically in a series, and occasionally a payment crosses a letter in the mails. This is apparently what happened in your case.
Your check has been properly credited, and your account is now marked paid in full.
① ordering
② apologizing
③ rejecting
④ warning
⑤ recommending
26. 다음 글을 읽고, 본문 전체의 흐름과 관계가 없는 문장을 고르시오.
① In Scandinavia the welfare state has earned the famous characterization “cradle to grave.” ② People are born in state-run hospitals, and they go to state-run day-care centers. ③ Their model consisted of five main elements. ④ They receive state grants for the university, and attend state-training programs if they lose their jobs. ⑤ They finish their days in state old-age homes.
27. 글의 흐름으로 보아 다음 문장이 들어가기에 가장 알맞은 곳은?
But it doesn’t have to be that bad.
When you have to give a speech, you may be terrified. ( ① ) First of all, it is important to plan, Find out everything you can about your audience. ( ② ) Who are they? ( ③ ) What do they know about your subject? Ask yourself the purpose of your speech. ( ④ ) Use simple expressions wherever possible. ( ⑤ ) Let your personality come through so that you make person-to-person contact with your audience.
28. 주어진 문장에 이어질 글의 순서가 가장 적합한 것은?
Most bike accidents are due to equipment failure, weather conditions and biker carelessness.
(A) For example, if a bike does not have good brakes, it cannot be stopped effectively.
(B) Similarly, a weak light will make it more difficult for a biker to see at night.
(C) To begin with, many different pieces of bicycle equipment can become defective, and cause bike accidents.
(A) For example, if a bike does not have good brakes, it cannot be stopped effectively.
(B) Similarly, a weak light will make it more difficult for a biker to see at night.
(C) To begin with, many different pieces of bicycle equipment can become defective, and cause bike accidents.
① (A)-(C)-(B)
② (B)-(A)-(C)
③ (B)-(C)-(A)
④ (C)-(B)-(A)
⑤ (C)-(A)-(B)
29. 필자의 심경을 가장 잘 나타낸 것은?
I can still hear your vice. It was wonderful speaking to you last night and even more wonderful to know you’ll be coming here on Friday. I’m still walking on a great big could, so when I meet you at the station, don’t be surprised if you can’t see me for the rays of happiness surrounding me. Everyone in the family wants to meet you. I’ll be counting the minutes till I see you Friday.
① excited
② worried
③ sorrowful
④ regretful
⑤ clam
30. 빈 칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어가기에 가장 알맞은 것으로 짝지어진 것은?
When I was a girl, I never argued with my parents about differences between their attitudes and mine. My father would deliver his judgment on an issue, and that was usually the (A) of the matter. Discussion seldom changed his mind, and disagreement was not tolerated. But the situation is different with today’s parents and children. My husband and I have to contend with radical differences between what our children think about a given situation and what we think about it. We have had (B) with all three of our daughters
① (A) : text / (B) : products
② (A) : agreement / (B) : effects
③ (A) : comment / (B) : beginnings
④ (A) : end / (B) : disagreements
⑤ (A) : comment / (B) : products
31. 다음 글에 나오는 OTAF가 가리키는 것을 고르시오.
After years of research and expensive experimentation, an independent laboratory with specialists in biotechnology has finally uncovered a naturally occurring substance that can be taken orally in tablet form. Now it is being made available to millions of overweight men and women who are losing as much as ten pounds a month. It has taken over 15 years of research and over 200 medically documented studies to produce OTAF.
① 생명공학자
② 유전인자
③ 체중 감량제
④ 항암제
⑤ 구강 치료제
32. 밑줄 친 부분에 담겨진 의미에 해당하는 것은?
A professor lectured for an hour on the dishonesty of certain dictionary editors who omitted a word from the dictionary because of moral objections. One’s personal morality must never get in the way of scholarship, he thundered. When the class was over, a student raised his hand and asked, “But, sir, what was the word?” The professor flushed and faltered. “I don’t know,” he said,
“if... if the word is suitable for female students to hear.”
① 생각이 잘 안 나는데.
② 난 그 의미를 몰라.
③ 내 말이 틀리나?
④ 말좀 더듬지 말게.
⑤ 알지만 말 못하겠군.
33. 다음 단락의 내용을 한 문장으로 나타내고자 한다. 빈 칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어가기에 가장 알맞은 것으로 짝지어진 것은?
Do you remember buying tennis shoes 15 years ago? You went into the store and had only a few choices. Now when you walk into a sports store, you may be amazed at hundreds of different styles. Something similar has happened with computer printers. When the first printers came onto the market, there were few choices. Now there are a plethora of print technologies.
→ The wide (A) of computer printers may amaze you today (B) that of tennis shoes may.
① (A) : symbol / (B) : so
② (A) : variety / (B) : as
③ (A) : brand / (B) : seldom
④ (A) : margin / (B) : neither
⑤ (A) : space / (B) : rarely
34. 다음 글을 분위기로 가장 알맞은 것은?
She wasn’t surprised-disappointed, but not surprised. The priorities were well known : male students first, regardless of academic status, and then if there were enough money left, it would go to advanced female students. Education for males is practical but for females it is luxurious. It is the males, after all, who are destined to hold jobs that require learning;the females-well, a measure of common sense is sufficient for bringing up children.
① 희망적
② 해학적
③ 낭만적
④ 낙관적
⑤ 냉소적
35. 다음 해안의 무엇에 대해 기술한 글인가?
The edge of the sea is a strange and beautiful place. All through the long history of Earth it has been an area of unrest. Not only do the tides advance and retreat in their eternal rhythms but the level of the sea itself is never at rest. It rises or falls as the glaciers melt or grow. Today a little more land may belong to the sea, tomorrow a little less.
① 오염된 수질
② 변함없는 수면
③ 이상한 고요함
④ 끊임없는 변화
⑤ 거대한 방화
36. 다음 글의 바로 앞에 가장 자연스럽게 올 수 있는 문장은?
One group is composed of artists. As admirers of the Mexican culture, they want to be close to the subjects they are writing about or painting. Another group consists of retirees who also need to live on reduced incomes. They like the unhurried way of life with its long afternoon nap and they enjoy the temperate climate. The third group is attracted by the resort with its colorful night life. In Acapulco, they can play all night, and swim in the warm ocean water.
① Mexico is well known for its scenery.
② Mexico has produced a number of artists.
③ Mexico has a mild climate for tourists.
④ Mexico is not a paradise for old people.
⑤ Mexico attracts different types of visitors.
37. 다음 글의 바로 다음에 올 문단의 내용으로 가장 자연스러운 것은?
Men’s clothes will continue to vary only slightly and within a narrow range depending on where they work. There are, to be sure, regional differences in what are considered suitable clothes. It is in the leisure or sports clothes that the greatest revolution has taken place. Last year the number of sports coats that were sold increased from 12.5 million to 13.4 million. Now, let us turn to the changes in the other sex’s fashions.
① 여성 패션의 변화
② 남녀 복장의 차이
③ 여성의 여가 선용
④ 남성 패션의 지역적 편차
⑤ 외국 패션의 추세
38. 다음 글의 내용을 가장 잘 표현한 것은?
Anything that contributes to stress during mealtime can interfere with the digestion of food. For that reason humans have evolved rituals of eating, such as a drink before dinner or the saying of grace, that have survived for thousands of years. These rituals put the body in the right condition to receive food. They relax the body and get the proper juices flowing for the digestion of food.
① Hunger is the best sauce.
② Relaxation is best at table.
③ A hungry man is an angry man.
④ To the hungry no bread is bad.
⑤ doctors cure more than diet.
39. 다음 글을 쓴 목적은?
Greenpeace is an international non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of the natural world. Our activities are funded mainly by public donations and membership subscriptions. If you would like to become a Contributing Supporter, please fill out the from below and return it to us with your donation. Thank you for your interest in Greenpeace.
① 회원 규칙 소개
② 임원 선출 통보
③ 회계 감사 보고
④ 후원 회원 모집
⑤ 환경 보호 선언
40. 필자에 관한 설명이 본문의 내용과 다른 것은?
For the frist three weeks, things ran smoothly. According to your instruction, I watered the grass every day, before 10 a.m. or after 4 p.m. Also, Mom, I walked the dog four times a day just because you said it was very important that she be out that many times――I disagreed, as you’ll recall, but nonetheless I walked her. Yes, I was a good boy. But when Susan, your darling daughter, got home from summer camp, I had to become a parttime parent. That’s when the trouble all started.
① 개를 산책시켰다.
② Susan과 남매간이다.
③ 엄마의 말씀에 따랐다.
④ 여름 캠프에 다녀왔다.
⑤ 매일 잔디에 물을 주었다.
41. 본문의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
What about motion that is too slow to be seen by the human eye? That problem has been solved by the use of the time-lapse camera. In this one, the shutter is geared to take only one shot per second, or one per minute, or even per hour―depending upon the kind of movement that is being photographed. When the time-lapse film is projected at the normal speed of twenty-four pictures per second, it is possible to see a bean sprout growing up out of the ground. Time-lapse films are useful in the study of many types of motion too slow to be observed by the unaided, human eye.
① 사람의 눈은 느린 동작에 적응을 잘한다.
② 카메라 등장 이후 시간의 중요성이 매우 강조되고 있다.
③ 머지 않아 카메라 셔터는 사용할 필요가 없어진다.
④ 콩의 발아 과정은 카메라로 촬영할 수 없다.
⑤ 육안으로 관찰할 수 없는 동작의 변화도 촬영할 수 있다.
42. 본문의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
An African friend of mine recently said, “You Americans always speak of individualism as being good. We do not consider individualism good. We feel that an individualist is a lonely one.” If you talk to a Frenchman, on the other hand, he will say, “You Americans are not individualistic at all. You have no sense of individualism.” To Americans an individualist is someone who takes care of his own life, while to Frenchmen an individualist is someone who is different from others.
① 아프리카인은 개인주의가 심하다.
② 미국인과 프랑스인의 개인주의는 서로 다르다.
③ 개인주의는 다르게 이해될 수 있다.
④ 아프리카인은 개인주의자를 고독한 자로 본다.
⑤ 프랑스인은 미국인이 개인주의적이 아니라고 본다.
43. 대학 프로그램에 관해서 필자가 주장하는 요지는?
Do we really have the best university programs? Perhaps. But every educator would add or subtract a few subjects. And no matter what list of courses would be offered, it would not be approved by all students. Not only do the professors have their own ideas on the matter, but the students have theirs, too. “I don’t believe that only colleges have the right to define what an educated person is,” protested a student when his university revised its programs.
① 생활지도도 필요하다.
② 학과 선택을 잘 해야 한다.
③ 취업 지도를 해 주어야 한다.
④ 학생의 의견도 반영해야 한다.
⑤ 교수의 권위를 존중해야 한다.
[44~45] 다음 글의 필자가 주장하는 요지를 고르시오.
44. Some people believe that if they have much money, they will be happy. They believe that if they are wealthy, they will be able to do everything they want, and so they will bs happy. On the other hand, some people value their religion, or their intelligence, or their health;these make them happy. For me, happiness is closely tied to my family. I am happy if my wife and children live in harmony. When all members of my family share good and sad times, and communicate with each other, I am happy.
① 건강은 행복의 조건이다.
② 지성은 가치판단의 기준이다.
③ 행복은 가족의 화목에서 비록된다.
④ 재물은 모든 것을 가능하게 한다.
⑤ 사회 봉사는 정신적 풍요를 준다.
45. Ever since the first celebration of BLACK HISTORY WEEK, many gentlemen have raised the question : ”Why do we celebrate a week by calling attention to the achievements of one group, African-Americans?” The answear is quite simple: because the outstanding achievements of African- Americans have been stolen or overlooked, despite their great significance. America being a cultural melting pot, all Americans need to learn about each other and appreciate the contributions made by the various racial group.
① 흑인 이민사는 산업화와 관계가 적다.
② 미국 흑인들도 업적에 따라 수당을 받아야 한다.
③ 경축일을 많이 제정하는 것은 비효율적이다.
④ 미국사는 문화유산 분야가 잘 정리되어 왔다.
⑤ 흑인역사주간은 경축되어야 할 명분이 있다.
[46~47] 다음 글의 주제를 고르시오.
46. It it very difficult for people to understand each other if they do not share the same experience. For example, there is a folk tale that comes from the foothills of the Himalayas. A man was trying to explain to a blind friend what a white color is.
“Well,” he said, “it is like snow on the hill.”
“Oh,” the blind man said, “then it must be a wet sort of color.”
“No, no,” the man said, “it is also the same color as cotton or wool.”
“Oh, yes, I understand. It must be a fluffy color.”
“No, it is also like paper.”
“Then, it must be a fragile color,” said the blind man.
*fluffy : 솜같이 부드러운
① 경험의 중요성
② 색체의 다양성
③ 등산의 필요성
④ 설경의 신비성
⑤ 흰색의 특수성
47. If scarcity exists, the choices must be made by individuals and societies. These choices involve “tradeoffs” and necessitate an awareness of the consequences of those tradeoffs. For example, suppose that you have $25 to spend and have narrowed your alternatives to a textbook or a date. Scarcity prohibits the purchase of both and imposes a tradeoff―a book or a date. Each choice has a consequence. The textbook might enable you to increase your knowledge, and the date might mean an evening of merriment.
① rational choices
② good textbooks
③ goods exports
④ ideal societies
⑤ bargain sales
48. 다음 광고문의 표제로 가장 알맞은 것은?
Do you want to speak a foreign language? This will be the most profitable evening in your life. Forget dull lessons and the traditional methods of learning. In a single session you’ll have the tricks enabling you to carry on a social conversation with a foreigner. If you want to have one of the most enjoyable and personally profitable evenings of your life, don’t pass up this course. Seating is limited.
① Personnel Manager
② Furniture Sales
③ Language Shortcut
④ Speech Contest
⑤ Teaching Opportunities.
[49~50] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
Many people think of crisis as being connected only with unhappy events. “This is not the case,” argued John. “There are the expected, maturational crises we experience at times of life development and change. Some examples are a child’s fist enrollment in school or his transfer at a later age to a new school, marriage, or election to public office. These events may hasten the occurrence of a crisis ―both for the youngster and his parents.”
“But there is also an unexpected kind of crisis,” added Mary. “This can stem from many sources such as having an automobile crash, being fired from a job, falling suddenly ill, becoming involved in a legal suit, or losing a large sum of money. Severe illness will create a crisis not only for the individual concerned but also for his family. And an illness may itself be caused by an emotional crisis like the death of parents.”
*maturational : 성장 과정의
“But there is also an unexpected kind of crisis,” added Mary. “This can stem from many sources such as having an automobile crash, being fired from a job, falling suddenly ill, becoming involved in a legal suit, or losing a large sum of money. Severe illness will create a crisis not only for the individual concerned but also for his family. And an illness may itself be caused by an emotional crisis like the death of parents.”
*maturational : 성장 과정의
49. 윗글의 제목으로 가장 알맞은 것은?
① Effects of Crises
② Types of Crises
③ Moments of Crises
④ Prevention of Crises
⑤ Definitions of Crises
50. ‘crises’를 유발하는 것으로서, John과 Mary가 각각 제안한 내용을 바르게 고르지 못한 것은?
① [John] : loss of money / [Mary] : promotion
② [John] : marriage / [Mary] : car accident
③ [John] : enrollment in school, / [Mary] : death of parents
④ [John] : transfer to a new school, / [Mary] : unemployment
⑤ [John] : election to public office, / [Mary] : legal suit
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