2000학년도 대학수학능력시험 영어
시행 : 1999.11.17(수)
대상 : 고등학교 3학년
출제 : 교육과정평가원
삽화, 사진, 표는 누락되어 있습니다. 원본 파일을 참고하시기 바랍니다.
1번부터 17번까지는 듣고 답하는 문제입니다. 방송을 잘 듣고 답을 하기 바랍니다. 듣는 내용은 한 번만 방송됩니다.
1. 대화를 듣고, 남자가 찾는 사람을 고르시오. [1점]
2. 대화를 듣고, 두 사람이 대화하는 장소를 고르시오.
① 공원
② 공항
③ 사무실
④ 세차장
⑤ 백화점
3. 대화를 듣고, 여자의 심정을 가장 잘 나타낸 것을 고르시오.
① 기쁘다
② 착잡하다
③ 따분하다
④ 걱정스럽다
⑤ 담담하다
4. 다음 말을 듣고, 여자가 전화를 건 목적을 고르시오.
① 상담을 하려고
② 식사 초대를 하려고
③ 추천서를 받으려고
④ 친구의 결석을 알리려고
⑤ 발음 교정을 받으려고
5. 대화를 듣고, 여자가 테니스 라켓 값으로 지불해야 할 액수를 고르시오.
① $\$10$
② $\$20$
③ $\$80$
④ $\$90$
⑤ $\$100$
6. 대화를 듣고, 여자가 목적지로 가는 가장 좋은 방법을 고르시오.
① by bus
② by taxi
③ by plane
④ by subway
⑤ on foot
7. 대화를 듣고, 여자의 아버지가 무슨 일로 해외에 있는지를 고르시오.
① 연수
② 취재
③ 관광
④ 유적 답사
⑤ 회의 참석
8. 다음 말을 듣고, 무엇에 관한 내용인지 고르시오.
① 낮잠의 효과
② 휴식의 필요성
③ 운동과 수면의 관계
④ 운동 기구의 문제점
⑤ 수면 중의 에너지 소모량
9. 다음 말을 듣고, 누가 누구에게 하는 말인지 고르시오.
① doctor → patients
② director → audience
③ reporter → cameramen
④ teacher → student
⑤ coach → player
10. 대화를 듣고, 남자가 하려고 하는 일을 고르시오.
① 구입 문의
② 요금 문의
③ 분실 신고
④ 예약 변경
⑤ 환불 요청
11. 대화를 듣고, 남자가 직장을 선택하는 가장 우선적인 조건을 고르시오. [1점]
Bell International school (Bangkok, Thailand)
Looking for a native speaker of English with at least 2 year of teaching experience
$\$18,000$/year plus single-room apartment
Looking for a native speaker of English with at least 2 year of teaching experience
$\$18,000$/year plus single-room apartment
① 연봉
② 날씨
③ 승진 기회
④ 의료 보험
⑤ 경력자 우대
12. 대화를 듣고, 여자가 서두르는 이유를 고르시오. [1점]
① 숙제를 하려고
② 운동을 하려고
③ 자선 음악회에 가려고
④ 구직 인터뷰를 준비하려고
⑤ 정치 토론을 시청하려고
13. 다음 그림의 상황에 가장 적절한 대화를 고르시오.
14. 대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Man :
① I just can’t do it.
② It’s two weeks from today.
③ Dictionaries are on the second floor.
④ You’ve just come back, haven’t you?
⑤ Sorry, but the due date has already passed.
15. 대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Woman :
① He got a pay increase.
② He had a day off yesterday.
③ He worked for a shoe factory.
④ He wanted to go on a picnic.
⑤ He had a vision for his new business.
16. 대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Man :
① I liked it very much.
② I came here by train.
③ I can find my own way.
④ I learned from a guide book.
⑤ I hope to come and visit again.
17. 다음 상황 설명을 듣고, 어머니가 David에게 할 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [2점]
Mother : David,
① is the doorbell broken?
② what time will you be back?
③ I’m sorry. Nobody called you today.
④ please hold the line for a second.
⑤ I was worried. Where were you?
이제 듣기ㆍ말하기 문제는 다 끝났습니다. 18번부터는 문제지의 지시에 따라 답을 하기 바랍니다.
18. 다음 글에서 주인공 “I”의 심정으로 가장 적절한 것은?
My mother hadn’t seen my dad in four years of war. In my mind, he was a tall, darkly handsome man I wanted very much to love me. I couldn’t wait, thinking about all the things I had to tell him of school and grades. At last, a car pulled up, and a large man with a beard jumped out. Before he could reach the door, my mother and I ran out screaming. She threw her arms around his neck, and he took me in his arms, lifting me right off the ground.
① calm
② lonely
③ worried
④ horrified
⑤ joyful
19. 다음 글의 종류로 가장 적절한 것은?
Jeffrey Newell, president of Hartley Hotels, will come this week to speak to local business people about ways to develop international tourism. On November 20, Mr. Newell will appear as a special guest speaker at the Second International Tourism Conference to be held at the Grand Hotel. He will give a one-hour talk on the topic “Knowing More About International Tourism” in the Rose Hall at 8 p.m. A thirty-minute question-and-answer period will follow. For more information, please call 432-7658.
① 연설문
② 일기문
③ 기행문
④ 안내문
⑤ 설명문
20. 다음 글에서 밑줄 친 They가 뜻하는 것은?
They sometimes work for large department stores and draw pictures of the stores’ latest fashions. They must picture the dress on the model-in the mood and setting that will make it seem most attractive. They often work for advertising agencies, where they create striking pictures and tasteful designs. In this way, they will attract public attention and show the product to be advertised in a good light. Newspapers carry many examples of their art. Indeed, instances of it are all around us.
① store clerks
② art designers
③ fashion models
④ newspaper reporters
⑤ computer programmers
21. 다음 글이 주는 분위기로 가장 적절한 것은?
The bedroom smelled of the wood it was made of. Early in the morning the pleasant smell of the wet forest entered through the screen. The walls in the camp were thin, and when I woke up, I dressed softly so as not to wake the others. I came out quietly into the sweet outdoors and started out in the boat along the shore. The lake was cool and motionless in the long shadows of the tall trees. Nothing disturbed the stillness of the lake.
① sad
② noisy
③ peaceful
④ humorous
⑤ frightening
22. 다음 글에서 밑줄 친 was beside himself의 의미로 가장 적절한 것은? [1점]
Like most other boys, John Palmer liked football and loud music. But what he liked most was going to the movies. And of all the movie stars, he thought Jane Brightman was the most beautiful. For his sixteenth birthday, his parents got him tickets for the first showing of Jane Brightman’s new movie, Last Friday Night. John was beside himself. When he discovered that he would bo sitting right next to Jane Brightman, he nearly fainted with joy.
① 재주가 많았다.
② 정신 이상자였다.
③ 자신감이 부족했다.
④ 기분이 매우 좋았다.
⑤ 아름다운 여자를 만났다.
23. 밑줄 친 come down의 의미로 소녀가 위도한 뜻과 점원이 이해한 뜻을 가장 잘 짝지은 것은?
A girl was buying a gift set for her grandfather. High on a shelf behind the counter, she saw the box of honey she wanted. “Could I have a look at that honey gift set?” she asked the clerk.
The clerk got a ladder and climbed halfway up.
“How much is it?” the girl asked.
The clerk looked up at the price. “50,000won,” he said. the girl looked in her purse and counted her money. She didn’t have enough. She needed a price cut.
Could you come down a bit?” the girl asked.
“Don’t worry,” the clerk said. “I’ll come straight down-as soon as I’ve got your honey”
*ladder : 사다리
① [소녀가 위도한 뜻] 마음을 가라앉히다 …… [점원이 이해한 뜻] 아래에서 계산하다
② [소녀가 위도한 뜻] 마음을 가라앉히다 …… [점원이 이해한 뜻] 값을 내리다
③ [소녀가 위도한 뜻] 값을 내리다 …… [점원이 이해한 뜻] 내려오다
④ [소녀가 위도한 뜻] 값을 내리다 …… [점원이 이해한 뜻] 마음을 가라앉히다
⑤ [소녀가 위도한 뜻] 내려오다 …… [점원이 이해한 뜻] 마음을 가라앉히다
[24~28] 다음 글을 읽고, 빈 칸에 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
24. Nearly all of us daydream about important coming events. But lazy daydreaming isn’t the same as a hard exercise for the mind that practices the skills actually used in the activity. Famous golfer Jack Nicklaus, for example, never takes a golf shot without first thinking out the shot and practicing it in his imagination. A pianist in China who had boon in prison for seven years played as well as ever soon after he was set free. His explanation : “I practiced every day in my .” [1점]
① mind
② interview
③ free time
④ playground
⑤ golf course
25. Let’s say you are driving across the desert. You are running out of gas. Finally, you approach a sign, reading FUEL AHEAD. You relax, knowing you will not bo stuck there, But as you draw nearer, the words on the sign turn out to bo FOOD AHEAD. Many people have experiences in which their wishes change what they see. In other words, we see what we .
① draw
② approach
③ desire
④ forget
⑤ read
26. Buy Nothing Day is an international day for buying nothing at all. It asks us to think about what we buy and whether buying more actually increases our quality of life. Every product we buy has an effect on the environment. Even before we spend our money, making, advertising, and packaging what we buy can cost a lot in pure water, air, and soil. In short, our can have considerable effects on the environment.
① raw materials
② quality control
③ shopping habits
④ advertising media
⑤ international business
27. For a long time, people have believed that photographs tell us the truth; they show us what really happened. People used to say “Seeing is believing,” or “Don’t tell me, show me,” or even “One picture is worth a thousand words.” In courts of law, photographs often had more value than words. These days, however, matters are not so simple. Photographs can be changed by computer; photographs are .
① sometimes false
② always acceptable
③ better than paintings
④ clearer than ever
⑤ very valuable
28. Nawal was a joy to her mother, but also a terrible heartache. Her mom knew that she was so ill that she would die soon without expensive treatment. And Nawal’s mom looked at him . “A friend of mine wrote an article about Nawal,” explained the teacher. “One of his readers, doctor, has offered to treat her for free.”
Nawal’s smile was so wide that it spread across all three faces.
① on time
② in wonder
③ out of fear
④ for nothing
⑤ with hunger
29. 다음 글을 쓴 필자의 어조로 가장 적절한 것은? [1점]
My memory is going, but I don’t miss it that much. The nice thing is that I remember mostly good things, and I tend to forget bad ones. For example, I remember my childhood quite well, because it was really very happy. I can’t remember how old I am, but I seem to remember my birthdays without any problem. This is strange, because I sometimes forget those of other people-especially if I have to dress up or give expensive presents. I often forget to get up and go to work in the morning. Fortunately, I seem to remember that I’m retired.
① 해학적
② 방관적
③ 교훈적
④ 비판적
⑤ 비관적
30. 주어진 질문에 긍정적으로 대답한 사람을 모두 열거한 것은? [1점]
If a corner shop gives you change for $\$10$ when you only paid $\$5$, will you return the money?
Tony : We should take what we can get. Everybody else does. I’ll take the money.
Chris : I don’t want to take anyone’s money. So the answer is “Yes.” I’d give the money back to the corner shop.
Judy : I am a fairly important person in my company, so I have to look honest. I can’t take the risk of not returning the money.
① Chris
② Tony, Chris
③ Tony, Judy
④ Chris, Judy
⑤ Tony, Chris, Judy
31. 밑줄 친 this musician에 관한 설명 중에서 본문의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
Goethe once said to his wife, “I’ve never seen an artist with more power of concentration than this musician.” His life was as stormy as his music. He was self-educated and read widely in Shakespeare and the ancient classics, but he was poor at mathematics. Deep in his work, he ignored everything else. Although he wrote many beautiful pieces of music, he dressed badly and hardly ever cleaned his room. During his thirty-five years in Vienna, he moved about forty times.
① 집중력이 강했다.
② 고전을 많이 읽었다.
③ 작곡을 많이 했다.
④ 이사를 자주 했다.
⑤ 외모에 치중했다.
32. 다음 도표와 일치하지 않는 것은?
① This chart shows money-raising goals for a fund.
② The first goal is $\$10,000$ and the end goal is $\$20,000$.
③ The second goal was reached by the target date.
④ Between July and November 1998, $\$15,000$ was raised.
⑤ Before its target date, the end goal was achieved.
33. 아래에 주어진 사전 뜻풀이 가운데, 밑줄 친 wrapped up의 의미로 가장 적절한 것은? [1점]
The Pusan International Film Festival wrapped up ten days of excitement last Saturday. The closing event of the festival was highlighted by the appearance of all the prize winners.
wrap up v. 1.to cover something : I wrapped up my present. 2.to finish something successfully : They wrapped up their meeting. 3.to hide something by using difficult words : Don’t wrap up the question in big words. 4.to put warm clothes on someone : Please wrap up my baby warm. 5.to interest someone completely : The kids were wrapped up in my story.
① 1
② 2
③ 3
④ 4
⑤ 5
34. 다음 글 바로 뒤에 올 수 있는 내용으로 가장 적절한 것은?
In late eighteenth-century England, population growth and technological advances happened together and helped each other along. The increased population brought more demand for food, and more money went into farming. Industrialization increased wealth, and that in turn led to more cloth and other goods. Thus, more demand was met by more supply, and more people did not mean a lower level of life. In the twentieth century, however, that is no longer true, as will be seen below.
① 영국의 산업 혁명
② 19세기 영국의 농업
③ 고대 사회의 종교
④ 중세 시대의 산업
⑤ 현대의 인구와 기술
[35~36] 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
35. Social change for the better happens when groups of citizens try to bring it about. Today, such groups can take on many tasks once performed by governments. These so-called non-governmental organizations deliver social services. They are active in various areas from law to medicine. They watch and influence what governments do at home or abroad. What is more, they often work better than governments. This is because they are able to use people from all walks of life. [2점]
① 민간 기업의 합병
② 민ㆍ관 협력 방안
③ 정부의 개혁 의지
④ 비정부 기구의 역할
⑤ 정부의 구조와 기능
36. Consider the relationships within a family unit made up of a husband, a wife, and a child. The husband influences his wife and child. The wife influences her husband and child. The child influences both nother and father. Add another child. A grandparent. Add an aunt. And an uncle. Add a cousin. A neighbor. Friends. If we were to make this list longer, we would end up with an entire society. A society is a network of relationships among individuals. Each will influence the others, and each will be influenced by the others.
① marriage ties
② kinds of family
③ social relations
④ child education
⑤ family activities
37. 다음 글 바로 앞에 올 수 있는 내용으로 가장 적절한 것은?
But clean air is not the only reason. People can set up a tent in the middle of the smell of wild flowers and trees. They can enjoy being alone in the mountains, forgetting completely about the everyday cares of the world. They are entirely free to talk among themselves, occasionally entertained by the sweet sounds of trees and small animals. They don’t have to be bothered by noisy crowds that disturb their peace of mind. These are other reasons why people like to go to the mountains.
① 산을 찾는 이유
② 목재 산업의 전망
③ 도시의 소음 공해
④ 등산의 어려움
⑤ 농촌을 떠나는 사람의 아픔
38. 다음 글에 언급된 단체에 관한 설명 중 본문의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
MSF was begun by a small group of French doctors including B. Kouchner back in 1971. Over the years, many doctors from around the world joined the organization. The group quickly became known for its work in helping the hungry and ill. They firmly believe that all those who need a doctor’s help, no matter where they are, have a right to get medical care. They sometimes risk their lives to provide such care. The organization won the 1999 Nobel Peace Prize for its work on several continents since its foundation.
① 소규모로 시작했다.
② 전세계에 회원이 있다.
③ 전문 학술 단체이다.
④ 병든 사람들을 도왔다.
⑤ 노벨 평화상을 받았다.
[39~40] 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
39. Goats like eating weeds. In fact, they prefer weeds to grass. So they are very useful for controlling weeds without using chemicals. The digestive system of the goat is different from that of the sheep or the cow. Weed seeds cannot pass through the goat’s body, and so they cannot grow into new weeds. Farmers don’t like using chemicals to control weeds because such poisons can kill wild animals or even pets, like dogs. A company in Montana even rents out goats to eat weeds.
*digestive : 소화의
① Saving Weed Seeds
② How to Raise Goats
③ How to Use Chemicals
④ A New Way to Control Weeds
⑤ Protecting an Animal in Danger
40. We often hear that high achievers are hard-working people who bring work home and labor over it until bedtime. When Garfield interviewed top people in major industries, however, he found that they knew how to relax and could leave their work at the office. They also spent a healthy amount of time with their family and friends. Successful people are willing to work hard, but within strict limits. For them, work is not everything. Will you work hard all the time?
① Causes of Family Problems
② A Balanced Life and Success
③ The Importance of Homework
④ Economy and Industries
⑤ The Division of Labor
41. 필자가 느낀 점을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈 칸 (A)와 (B)에 가장 적절한 것끼리 짝지은 것은? [2점]
By the time I started middle school, I realized that most of my fellow students had the idea that we Asian students are all smart. It’s true that some are. But what about those of us who aren’t? Having to act like a brain can be a pain. My classmates come to me for answers, but I sometimes can’t help them. Then they look at me strangely. If I were a genius, I would not mind being treated like one. But since I am not, I do.
The idea that all Asian students are (A) can be a (B) to those who are not.
① (A) smart …… (B) pain
② (A) smart …… (B) promise
③ (A) kind …… (B) promise
④ (A) kind …… (B) pain
⑤ (A) diligent …… (B) pleasure
42. 다음 글을 쓴 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Peter Thompson, with whom I have a close working relationship, mentioned your name to me and strongly suggested I contact you. From what Peter tells me, you are very active in the toy industry and know a number of sales managers. Peter felt that you might be able to help me make contacts. Because of new competition, we are anxious to get our products into the market as soon as possible. Would it be convenient if I called you next Monday and we arranged a time to talk over lunch?
① 도우려고
② 주문하려고
③ 불평하려고
④ 추천하려고
⑤ 만나려고
43. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
Make a plan for a bookcase that suits your own library.
If you want to make a bookcase yourself, follow these simple steps. ( ① ) Then, choose wood materials for the bookcase from a wood materials store. ( ② ) When you have bought the wood, carefully cut it according to your design. ( ③ ) The next step is to put the different parts together with glue and nails. ( ④ ) After that, add the finishing touch by painting the woodwork. ( ⑤ ) Now you have a fine piece of furniture.
44. 다음 글의 흐름으로 보아, 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 자연스럽지 못한 것은? [1점]
As the zoo. Simaba the lion was very sick. The animal doctor came and tried giving him some red meat ①full of medicine. Poor Simba did not even raise his head. Finally, Simba ②stopped to breathe. The doctor said, ③with tears in his eyes, “I regret to tell you that Simba is dead.” The little children ④were very shocked to hear it. “I feel like I’ve lost an old friend. I can remember ⑤reporting Simba’s birth,” said a reporter.
[45~46] 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
45. Suppose two friends of mine are sitting in my room. One is 165cm tall and the other is 175cm tall. Which do you think is a man and which is a woman? In hte absence of other information, you probably conclude that the shorter one is a woman while the taller one is a man. Where does this conclusion come from? Your experience tells you that men tend to be taller than women. So, From the particular men and women you have known, you draw a conclusion about men and women as a whole. In this way, many of your day-to-day judgments and guesses depend on your experience. [2점]
① 성격이 자신감을 좌우한다.
② 현대에는 남녀 차별이 없다.
③ 친구 사이의 우정은 소중하다.
④ 판단은 흔히 경험에 바탕을 둔다.
⑤ 대체로 남자가 여자보다 키가 크다.
46. A symphony orchestra can fill a whole building and make it ring with music. But this beautiful sound, which can be joyful of sad, exciting of relaxing, is the result of planning and working together. Just as painters choose different color for their works of art, composers choose the sound of different instruments to produce their music. The purpose of a symphony orchestra is not to play section by section. The word “symphony” means “sounding together.” This sounding together is what creates the wonderful music we all love.
*instruments : 악기, 도구
① Actions speak louder than words.
② Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
③ One man’s music is another man’s noise.
④ Every man knows his own business best.
⑤ The whole is more than the sum of its parts.
47. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
Growing as a person may take you to new places and present new challenges. These may be stressful, but feeling stress is a natural, necessary part of recognizing a weakness and trying out a new behavior. It is often comfortable and easy to stay the way we are. Giving up old comforts and habits is very hard. Is is small wonder, then, that people dislike changing. Yet it needs to be remembered that efforts to change lead frequently to important improvement and growth in our lives.
① 주어진 여건에 만족하라.
② 자신의 장점을 인식하라.
③ 부단히 변화를 시도하라.
④ 신체의 건강을 유지하라.
⑤ 현재의 감정에 충실하라.
[48~49] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
More frequent use of computers will create a serious danger to our health. First of all, more people will have to wear glasses, because always staring at computer screens is likely to damage our eyes. Sitting at computer desks for hours can also cause damage to our backs. , we won’t get enough exercise, for we will often be forced to spend a long period of time at the computers.
The future will be a lonely place to live because of computers. We won’t be going to the supermarket, or even to school any more. Everyday goods and even education will come to us on-line. , we will talk with one another using the computer. All of these talk with one another using the computer. All of these will make us less than, in that the computer will take away our opportunities to meet for true human relationships.
48. 윗글 (A)와 (B)의 공통된 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
① The Bad Side of Computer Use
② Benefits of Computer Shopping
③ The Educational Use of Computers
④ The History of Computer Technology
⑤ Effects of Computers on Physical Health
49. 윗글 (A)와 (B)의 빈 칸에 공통으로 들어가기에 가장 적절한 것은?
① Nevertheless
② However
③ Surprisingly
④ In addition
⑤ For instance
50. 다음 주어진 문장에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
A farmer needs to be very careful about changing the food of his cows.
(A) In addition, the cow that suddenly eats lots of a new food may give less milk
(B) If the farmer makes a sudden change in food for cow, the cow may first lose weight.
(C) For these reasons, the farmer changes the cow’s food slowly so that the cow can adapt to the new food.
① (A)-(B)-(C)
② (B)-(A)-(C)
③ (B)-(C)-(A)
④ (C)-(A)-(B)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
[51~52] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
Mr. Clark is very pleased that his ten-year-old daughter is good at learning foreign languages. He sends his daughter for private foreign language lessons every evening. However, she has a lot of homework and now finds it very hard to do everything. She wanted to stop going for Japanese and Arabic lessons, but her father would not listen. “You must learn as much as you can while you are young,” he said. She has become stressed and anxious.
Rick Bell was six, but he was very good at mathematics. Rick liked to play with his friends and enjoyed reading and writing more than mathematics. He dreamed of being a football player. Mr. Bell refused to listen to him. He insisted that his son go to a special school for the gifted where he could develop his talent for mathematics. After a year at the school, even his son‘s teachers agreed that he was unhappy.
51. 윗글 (A)와 (B)가 자녀 교육에 대해 공통으로 시사하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
① 봉사 정신을 함양해야 한다.
② 조기 교육을 해야 한다.
③ 본인의 의사를 존중해야 한다.
④ 지식 교육을 우선해야 한다.
⑤ 외국어 교육을 강화해야 한다.
52. 윗글 (A)의 밑줄 친 Japanese and Arabic lessons에 상응하는 것을 (B)에서 고를 때, 가장 적절한 것은?
① football
② friends
③ reading
④ writing
⑤ mathematics
53. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
Kim Son-dal needed money again. ①How could he make money when he had nothing to sell? ②This is why water resources require careful management. ③He had a grat idea. ④He formed his own on-line company : Daedonggang Froup. ⑤Soon all the yangban nobles bought shares, and Kim Son-dal became rich.
*share : 주식
[54~55] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
Once upon a time there was an island called Lombok. On the island lived a girl named Munira and her big brother Amin, the fisherman.
There aren’t any more fish around here, Munira,” said Amin one day. “They’ve all gone away, and I must follow them. Stay here, won’t you? Promise me?”
“Of course,” answered Munira. “I’ll put a lamp in the window every night for you to come home by.”
Amin didn’t come back that night. Nor the next night, nor the next. For years, Munira lived on the seashells she gathered on the beach during the day. She waited by the window with her lamp at night. The other people of Lombok moved away, one by one. Soon, Munira was alone.
One day Munira’s cousin, Zeinab, came to visit her from the big city. “Come to the city and live with me!” said Zeinab.
“I can’t,” said Munira. “I can’t let the lamp go out.”
The next night there was a terrible storm. In the morning, Munira walked along the beach looking for seashells. Suddenly, she saw her lost brother Amin! He was covered with seaweed and holding on to his broken boat, but he was alive.
“How did you find your way?” asked Munira. “There were no stars last night!”
“I saw the lamp,” he said.
There aren’t any more fish around here, Munira,” said Amin one day. “They’ve all gone away, and I must follow them. Stay here, won’t you? Promise me?”
“Of course,” answered Munira. “I’ll put a lamp in the window every night for you to come home by.”
Amin didn’t come back that night. Nor the next night, nor the next. For years, Munira lived on the seashells she gathered on the beach during the day. She waited by the window with her lamp at night. The other people of Lombok moved away, one by one. Soon, Munira was alone.
One day Munira’s cousin, Zeinab, came to visit her from the big city. “Come to the city and live with me!” said Zeinab.
“I can’t,” said Munira. “I can’t let the lamp go out.”
The next night there was a terrible storm. In the morning, Munira walked along the beach looking for seashells. Suddenly, she saw her lost brother Amin! He was covered with seaweed and holding on to his broken boat, but he was alive.
“How did you find your way?” asked Munira. “There were no stars last night!”
“I saw the lamp,” he said.
54. 윗글의 여자 주인공을 묘사한 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① lazy
② faithful
③ funny
④ sociable
⑤ fashionable
55. 윗글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
① 남매가 농사를 짓고 살았다.
② 오빠가 여동생을 기다렸다.
③ 사촌이 여동생을 데려갔다.
④ 사람들이 섬으로 모여 들었다.
⑤ 오빠가 불빛을 보고 찾아 왔다.
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