
1995-11 고3 수능 영어

고인도르 2023. 2. 6. 09:39

1996학년도 대학수학능력시험 영어

시행 : 1995.11.22(수)

대상 : 고등학교 3학년

출제 : 교육과정평가원

1995-11 고3 수능 3영어[문제].pdf
1995-11 고3 수능 3영어[듣기].mp3
1995-11 고3 수능 3영어[정답].pdf
1995-11 고3 수능 3영어[듣기대본].pdf
1995-11 고3 수능 3영어[해설].pdf

삽화, 사진, 표는 누락되어 있습니다. 원본 파일을 참고하시기 바랍니다.

1번부터 10번까지는 듣고 푸는 문제입니다. 방송을 잘 들으면서 문제지를 동시에 보아 가며 답을 하기 바랍니다. 듣는 내용은 한 번만 들려 드립니다.

1. 대화를 듣고, 남자가 찾는 사람을 고르시오.

2. 대화를 듣고, 두 사람이 만날 요일과 시각을 고르시오.

① Tuesday at 2 : 00
② Thursday at 2 : 00
③ Wednesday at 2 : 00
④ Thursday at 4 : 00
⑤ Wednesday at 4 : 00

3. 대화를 듣고, 무엇에 관하여 이야기하고 있는지 고르시오.

① 교통 문제
② 대기 오염
③ 수질 오염
④ 화학 약품
⑤ 냉방 시설

4. 대화를 듣고, 두 사람이 화분을 놓기로 한 곳을 고르시오.

5. 대화를 듣고, Tom이 불편해 하는 이유를 고르시오.

① 배가 아파서
② 날씨 때문에
③ 머리가 아파서
④ 고열 때문에
⑤ 허리가 아파서

6. 대화를 듣고, 여자가 전화를 건 목적을 고르시오. [1점]

① 호주로 초대하려고
② 작별 인사를 하려고
③ 주소를 물어 보려고
④ 함께 식사하려고
⑤ 사업에 대해 의논하려고

7. 대화를 듣고, 두 사람의 관계를 가장 잘 나타낸 것을 고르시오. [1점]

① reader ……… poet
② fan ……… movie star
③ journalist ……… reporter
④ student ……… teacher
⑤ client ……… photographer

8. 다음 말을 듣고, 말하는 사람의 과거 직업을 고르시오.

① doctor
② mechanic
③ tour guide
④ taxi driver
⑤ car salesman

9. 다음 말을 듣고, 제품 수리를 요청하려면 어떻게 해야 하는지 고르시오.

① 1번을 누른다.
② 2번을 누른다.
③ 3번을 누른다.
④ 0번을 누른다.
⑤ 수화기를 들고 기다린다.

10. 다음 말을 듣고, 무엇에 관한 내용인지 고르시오. [1점]

① 연사 소개
② 비상 대피
③ 연극 개막
④ 화재 예방
⑤ 교통 안전

이제 듣기 문제는 다 끝났습니다. 11번 문제부터는 문제지의 지시에 따라 답을 하기 바랍니다.

11. 다음 빈 칸에 적절하지 않은 것은?

Customer : Excuse me.
Clerk : Yes. What can I do for you?
Customer : I have some film to be developed.
Clerk : Okay,                                

① They’ll be ready tomorrow morning.
② May I have your name, please?
③ How soon do you want them?
④ Let’s pose for a picture, please.
⑤ You can pick them up at 2 : 00.

12. 다음 글의 흐름으로 보아 밑줄 친 부분을 고칠 필요가 있다면 가장 잘 고친 것은? [0.6점]

Robert was going steady with Susan and was thinking of marrying her. He wanted to know what kinds of girls her sisters were, what her father was like, and how long did her mother die.

① 고칠 필요 없음
② how long her mother has died
③ how long was her mother dead
④ how long ago did her mother die
⑤ how long her mother had been dead

13. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어색한 것이 있다면 그 부분은? [0.6점]

The fact that someone is interested enough(A) to give help to poor villagers often work(B) wonders. The villagers become interested in helping themselves. They become less discouraged(C) when they realize that they themselves can help make(D) a better future.

① 어색한 부분 없음
② (A)
③ (B)
④ (C)
⑤ (D)

14. 다음 글에서 밑줄 친 it(It)이 가리키는 것은?

I think it is the start of formal training in schools. It is a start to having to conform even if you do not want to, and conforming s necessary in any civilized community. It helps to conceal the personal taste and financial status of children’s parents. It lets the children know how to dress themselves each morning. It also gives a feeling of belonging to a group and from that, we hope, comes pride in belonging to that group.

① class
② homework
③ exercise
④ examination
⑤ uniform

15. 다음 글에서 밑줄 친 Blacknell이 가리키는 것은?

A beautiful new brick extension, kitchen, lounge, dining room or whatever you need can be yours, quickly and at a surprisingly low cost, when you choose Blacknell. Permanent home extensions traditionally built in brick or tiled to match your home. Superbly insulated throughout for winter and summer comfort-and windows that never need painting. Everything is made easy for you. Blacknell plans the design you need, obtains local authority approval and gets your extension built with a guarantee of satisfaction.

① 보험 회사
② 식품 회사
③ 제지 회사
④ 건축 회사
⑤ 의류 회사

16. 다음 (A)의 글을 (B)의 대화문으로 구성하였다. 빈 칸에 들어갈 말로 적절하지 않은 것은?

It was Jack’s turn, but his roommate Arthur had to cook. The steaks were burned, so they went out for dinner. After dinner, Arthur wanted Jack to pay, but Jack said, playfully, that he wouldn’t because Arthur was responsible for the accident. But Arthur was running out of money, because he had bought an expensive birthday gift for Jack.

Jack : Now, pick up the bill, Arthur.
Arthur : Don’t you think you have to pay?
Jack : What? You burned the steaks, didn’t you?
Arthur : True, but I’m nearly broke, and I won’t get paid soon.
Jack : That’s your problem.
Arthur :

① I bought you a birthday gift, didn’t I?
② How would you like your steak?
③ It was your turn to cook, though.
④ Can’t you be a little kinder?
⑤ Well, I shouldn’t have been so generous.

[17~25] 빈 칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

17. The purpose of the court system is to protect the rights of the people. For example, according to American law, if someone is accused of a crime, he is considered innocent until the court proves that the person is guilty.                                , it is the responsibility of the court to prove that a person is guilty. [0.6점]

① At first
② In other words
③ In comparison
④ On the contrary
⑤ At any rate

18. Most scientists believe that by resting our bodies, we keep ourselves in god physical condition. Any damage can be put right more quickly if energy is not being used up doing other things. Injured animals certainly spend more time asleep than usual while their wounds are healing. And quite a few illnesses make us feel                                 so that our body can get on with curing us.

① upset
② lively
③ sleepy
④ peaceful
⑤ homesick

19. Today, the industrial economy is changing into a knowledge economy based on science and technology. Clearly, modern societies are facing a major change into a new economic system where human resourcefulness counts far more than natural resources. It is                                 that can guarantee our economic success in the midst of the fierce competition of the current free world market. [0.6점]

① brain power
② natural resources
③ mental health
④ business ventures
⑤ quality control

20. Do you have a little brother or sister who listens to commercials on television and then tries to get your mother to buy every product he or she has seen advertised? Sometimes little children are so “sold” by commercials that they really believe their family must eat only one kind of cereal or use a certain brand of soap. Advertisers change people’s thinking by                                 which appeals to emotions. This is an example of the power language. [0.6점]

① selling a product
② using language
③ acquiring a skill
④ broadcasting news
⑤ learning a culture

21. Every summer people like to enjoy the sun. many make a point of getting to the beach to get a tan. And every summer many return home suffering from a sunburn. Not too long ago tanning was fashionable and even promoted by doctors as a healthful activity. But today there is evidence that regular exposure to the ultraviolet rays of sunlight, especially if it                                , can be harmful to health.

① runs short
② is out of fashion
③ results in burns
④ keeps decreasing
⑤ protects the body

22. If you keep a daily journal, you will find yourself writing down thoughts that you carry with you all day. These thoughts include not just conscious ones. They also include subconscious thoughts that you were not even aware you were thinking until you sat down to write. Pretty soon, you will have collected a lot of                                 about yourself. These will help you focus on your problems, and ultimately solve them.

① promising jobs
② fortunate cases
③ valuable goods
④ revealing facts
⑤ business letters

23. 빈 칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

If you are not positive, you cannot be productive on your job. “Life is 90% attitude and 10% ability. It’s all in your attitude, how you present yourself and what you have to offer,” says Edward Simpson, a sales representative. “A company may be able to teach you what you need to know to succeed, but it cannot teach attitude. When choosing between a purely competent person without interest and
a less competent person with zeal, I always choose                                ,” he adds.

① zeal over ability
② ability over attitude
③ competence over zeal
④ attitude over interest
⑤ success over competence

24. 빈 칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

The pleasures of contact with the natural world are not reserved just for the artists. They are available to anyone who will place himself under the influence of a lonely mountain top or the stillness of a forest. I believe natural beauty has a necessary place in the spiritual development of any individual or any society. I believe that whenever we destroy beauty, or whenever we substitute something artificial for a natural feature of the earth, we have slowed down man’s                                .

① scientific progress
② physical buildup
③ natural instinct
④ spiritual growth
⑤ hiking speed

25. We can see an object only when a light shines on it. The surface of a particular object will absorb some of this light’s wavelengths and reflect others. The color we see is the color that is reflected. The leaves of a tree, for instance, appear green because all other wavelengths of the light hitting them are absorbed. The trunk of a tree appears brown because brown is the only wavelength which                                .

① hits the trunk
② is reflected
③ is absorbed
④ reflects the other colors
⑤ absorbs the other colors

26. 다음 글에서 밑줄 친 it was off의 의미로 가장 적절한 것은?

A few weeks ago at a large movie theater I turned to my wife and said, “The picture is out of focus.” “Be quiet,” she answered. I obeyed. But a few minutes later I raised the point again, with growing impatience. “It will be all right in a minute,” she said in a low voice not to disturb the audience around. I waited. It was just out of focus-not glaringly out, but out. So, after bothering my wife throughout the first part of the movie, I finally prevailed upon her to admit that it was off, and very annoying.

① 영화가 끝났다.
② 전기가 나갔다.
③ 초점이 안 맞았다.
④ 아내가 떠났다.
⑤ 서로 떨어져 앉았다.

27. 다음 글을 쓴 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?

“I made a serious commitment to myself to give it my best every time I competed,” says Paula Fraser, 1989 World Marathon winner. “For that same reason, I wear Bronks. They are seriously committed to performance as I am; whether I am training or racing, I do it comfortably in a pair of Bronks.” Working with researchers from Chicago University, Bronks has designed its products to meet the special biomechanical needs of men and women. A special cushioning system provides exceptional shock absorption. Put on a pair and check out the feel of real performance yourself.

① 선수 소개
② 제품 광고
③ 대학 홍보
④ 주문 확인
⑤ 연구 보고

28. 다음 글의 종류로 가장 적절한 것은?

Store owners across the country predict that shoppers will spend a lot of money this Christmas. The average sales increase may be as high as 12 to 15 percent. Gears Company reported a 31.5 percent rise in sales in November. S-Mart reported a 10.5 percent increase. Gears is the largest retailer in the country. S-Mart is second.
According to one expert, there is more spending because of the low inflation rate and more employment. People have more money to spend. The chairman of Gears said, “The excellent Christmas season we’ve anticipated has begun. We are selling more home fashions, electronics and major appliances.”

① 기행문
② 잡지 광고
③ 초청장
④ 신문 기사
⑤ 독촉장

29. 다음은 Mike가 6주간 걷기 운동을 한 결과를 나타낸 도표이다. 도표의 내용과 다른 것은?

① Mike walked 7 km during week 4 of his exercise program.
② Mike walked 8 km more during week 6 than during week 1.
③ Mike increased his walking distance by 5 km during the period from week 1 to week 4.
④ Mike had no increase in the distance he walked from week 2 to week 3.
⑤ Mike had the greatest increase in the distance he walked from week 3 to week 4.

30. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 나타내고자 한다. 빈 칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어가기에 가장 적절한 것끼리 짝지어진 것은?

Have you and your friend ever been to a museum together, looked at the same painting, and had different reactions to it? If the painting you looked at was a seascape, you may have liked it because the dark colors and enormous waves reminded you of the wonderful memories you had in your hometown. In contrast, your friend might have had a negative reaction and said that the same things brought fear to his mind as he remembered sailing on a rough sea during a violent storm.

→ Our         (A)         may influence how we interpret         (B)        .

① (A) : intelligence / (B) : memories
② (A) : insight / (B) : museums
③ (A) : experience / (B) : paintings
④ (A) : remembrance / (B) : storms
⑤ (A) : sailing / (B) : accidents

31. 다음 글이 묘사하고 있는 정경을 가장 잘 나타낸 것은?

Out in the backyard I am taking advantage of this beautiful morning. And I think nowhere have I seen skies as blue as those of my village. Looking upward, I can see skies splashed with cotton white clouds. The sun brightens the eastern side o the trees and casts their shadows to the west. A soft breeze gently rustles the tall clover blossoms, not disturbing the bees gathering nectar from them. A white butterfly flutters across the yard. Everything seems to be in harmony with one another.

① calm and peaceful
② funny and humorous
③ sad and gloomy
④ exciting and festive
⑤ noisy and busy

32. 다음 글에 나타난 필자의 주장으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Sometimes it may take a lifetime to make the world around you change. When you are young, it is easy to feel impatient and frustrated with the delays and seemingly stupid hitches that take place. However, if you are aware of local and global issues when you are young, your devotion to making the world a better place will continue. And who knows what you might achieve in fifty years?
*hitch : a slight problem or difficulty

① First come, first served.
② Easier said than done.
③ No news is good news.
④ Ignorance is bliss.
⑤ Water will wear away stone.

33. 다음 글에서 과학 기술에 대하여 필자가 주장하는 것은?

In the twentieth century, there have been many advances in technology. Scientists have sent people out into space and even to the moon. Television, cars, and computers have changed our lives profoundly. New medical treatments have offered hope and even life itself to severely ill people. We have come a long way because of technology have created equally troubling ethical problems. These questions, for instance, should be asked: Should there be ethical limits to technological development? If so, how do we decide where to draw the line? And who should decide?

① 실용적 가치를 중시하자.
② 영상 문화를 보급하자.
③ 과학 인재를 양성하자.
④ 윤리적 측면을 고려하자.
⑤ 의료 기술을 발전시키자.

34. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 that의 의미로 코치가 의도한 것과 선수가 이해한 것을 바르게 짝지은 것은?

During the baseball game I missed an easy ball. This made me so embarrassed that I just stood there without knowing what to do. To my dismay, the other team scored three runs. After the game, the coach shouted at me, “You should never do that again!” I answered, hesitatingly, “I won’t. I’ll never miss such an easy ball again.” “Miss?” he yelled. “You’ll miss lots. That’s not the problem. It’s what you did after. While you were standing there, how many runs did the other team score?”

① [코치가 의도한 것] : 쉬운 공을 놓친 것 / [선수가 이해한 것] : 야구하는 것
② [코치가 의도한 것] : 실수 후 서 있었던 것 / [선수가 이해한 것] : 쉬운 공을 놓친 것
③ [코치가 의도한 것] : 야구하는 것 / [선수가 이해한 것] : 쉬운 공을 놓친 것
④ [코치가 의도한 것] : 실수 후 서 있었던 것 / [선수가 이해한 것] : 야구하는 것
⑤ [코치가 의도한 것] : 쉬운 공을 놓친 것 / [선수가 이해한 것] : 실수 후 서 있었던 것

35. 다음 문장에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

The way in which we write a language is not always exactly the same as the way in which we speak it.

(A) In addition to this difference, written language may differ from spoken language, more importantly, in style.
(B) In written language, on the other hand, the same word is always spelt in the same way, so different words are easy to distinguish in print.
(C) The same word spoken by people, for instance, may sound like different words, and different words may sound like the same word.

① (A)-(B)-(C)
② (B)-(A)-(C)
③ (B)-(C)-(A)
④ (C)-(A)-(B)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

36. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계가 없는 문장은?

The World Wildlife Foundation has rescued several species of animals since 1961. ①“Operation Tigher” was a campaign in 1972 for the survival of the tiger. ②A lot of countries stopped buying and selling the skins of tigers. ③In another campaign for marine animals, the Foundation helped whales because they were in great danger of extinction. ④People destroyed the jungles of the world at a speed of 50 acres a minute. ⑤Several countries like Norway and Denmark joined in the campaign to protect whales and seals in their national parks.

37. 다음 글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

The sizes and shapes of coins are different in various countries, and the size and color of paper money also vary.

When we think of money, we usually think of currency, or coins and bills. ( ① ) In the modern world, almost every country uses coins and paper money to exchange for other objects of value. ( ② ) In India, for example, some coins have square sides. ( ③ ) In Japan, coins have holes in the center. ( ④ ) In the United States, all paper money is the same size and the same color; only the printing on the bills is different. ( ⑤ )

38. 다음 글에 나타난 Brigid Gill의 심경으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Brigid Gill was alone in her cottage waiting for her little son to come from school. He was now an hour late. He was only nine and he was her only child. He was a wild boy, always getting into mischief. She kept telling herself that she would scold him when he came in. At the same time her heart was thumping and she started at every sound, rushing out to the door and looking down the winding road, which was now dim with the shadows of evening.

① lonely
② sorrowful
③ relieved
④ indifferent
⑤ nervous

39. 필자에 관한 설명이 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [1점]

A few sorrowfulyears ago, when I was back in Kansas, I gave a talk at my old college. It was open to the public, and afterward a very old man came up to me and asked me if my maiden name had been Wemyss. I said yes, thinking he might have known my father or my grandfather. But no. “When I was young,” he said, “I once worked for your great-grandfather, Robert Wemyss, when he had the sheep ranch here.” I think that was a moment when I realized all over again something of great importance to me. My long-ago families came from Scotland. My true roots were there.

① 선조가 Scotland에서 왔다.
② 몇 년 전 대학에서 공개 강연을 했다.
③ Robnervousert Wemyss의 방문을 받았다.
④ 결혼 전 성이 Wemyss이었다.
⑤ 증조부가 Kansan에서 목장을 경영했다.

40. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?

In recent years, Colombia has not received much money from its exports. Its major export crop is coffee but the demand for coffee in the world has dropped. Also, other countries have begun to export more coffee, so the price has fallen. Finally, the Colombian government has encouraged the farmers to produce more food so that the country can become self-sufficient in food; as a result, the farmers have produced less coffee. Because of these factors, Colombia now gets much less cash from its coffee exports than it did ten years ago.

① 세계의 커피 수요는 계속 증가하고 있다.
② 콜롬비아의 곡물 수출량이 증가하고 있다.
③ 콜롬비아 정부는 커피 재배를 장려하고 있다.
④ 콜롬비아는 커피 수출의 감소로 외화 수입이 줄었다.
⑤ 콜롬비아산 커피 생산량의 감소로 커피 가격이 상승했다.

41. 다음 글 바로 앞 문단의 내용으로 가장 자연스러운 것은?

As you become a teenager, however, you may sometimes begin to question adults’ ideas, instead of blindly accepting their ideas as you did when you were a small child. You gradually become aware that you are a unique person with your own ideas and attitudes. For example, you begin to make choices of your own about your lifestyle. To put it another way, you will find that you want to put your life together in the way that you think is best for you.

① 유년기의 창의적 사고
② 청소년기의 신체적 변화
③ 유년기의 이기적 태도
④ 청소년기의 정신적 방황
⑤ 유년기의 순종적 성향

42. 다음 글 바로 뒤에 올 문단의 내용으로 가장 자연스러운 것은?

The term “law,” as used in the phrases “a human law” and “a law of nature,” has two different meanings. Human laws had been considered unchangeable in primitive times, but the Greek democracies made the discovery that a community could consciously make new laws or change old ones. This meas that a human law is a set of rules that are valid only for a certain number of people over a certain period of time. The term “law” has a different meaning, however, when used to describe the regularities of nature.

① 자연 법칙의 특징
② 민주주의의 발달
③ 과학 서적의 종류
④ 인간 사회의 성격
⑤ 법률 개정의 원칙

43. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

I can barely remember life without television. I have spent 20,000 hours of my life in front of television. Not all my contemporaries watched so much, but many did, and what’s more, we watched the same programs and heard the same commercials. So our generation has a tremendous amount of experience in common. The TV programs have not affected all of us in an identical way. If a sociologist, however, would list some of the most important influences on our generation, television would top the list.

① Importance of TV Ads
② TV Programs and Ads
③ Our Generation and TV
④ TV and Social Problems
⑤ Diversity of TV Programs

[44~46] 다음 글의 주제를 가장 잘 나타낸 것을 고르시오.

44. Some people change their eating patterns to meet the needs of different situations. They have certain ideas about which foods will increase their athletic ability, help them lose weight, or put them in the mood for romance. For example, these people choose fruit and vegetables to give them strength for physical activity. They choose foods rich in fiber, such as bread and cereal for breakfast, and salads for lunch to prepare them for business appointments. For romantic dinners, however, they choose shrimp and lobster. [1점]

① the nutritional values of food
② the effect of food on strength
③ the differences in taste and attitude
④ the importance of vegetables and fruit
⑤ the selection of food for different situations

45. We have all grown up, knowing that people are different. They spend their money in different ways, while seeking different pleasures. A couple may spend their vacation traveling in Europe; their friends are content with two weeks in a cottage by the sea. A woman may save her household money to carpet her bedrooms; her neighbor may save hers to buy a second car. Different modes of consumer behavior-different ways of spending money-do not surprise us. We have been brought up to believe that such differences are what makes life interesting.

① 다양한 소비 유형
② 원만한 대인 관계
③ 치밀한 휴가 계획
④ 넉넉한 가계 수입
⑤ 효과적인 실내 장식

46. Crowding stresses us. The more crowded we feel, the more stressed we get. Work stresses us, too. Workers in manufacturing jobs are likely to suffer serious health problems as a result of the noise, or the stress of being paced by mechanical requirements of the assembly line. The amount of work involved, however, does not necessarily determine the level of stress. Air traffic controllers, for instance, report that the long stretches of doing relatively little are at least as stressful as the times when they are handling many aircraft in the sky.

① sources of stress
② benefits of stress
③ treatment of stress
④ effects of stress
⑤ prevention of stress

[47~48] 다음 글의 요지를 가장 잘 나타낸 것을 고르시오.

47. Don’t wish your life away making impossible plans for your future. Grand plans ar fun, but not really helpful if you can’t achieve them. And don’t let other people pressure you into trying to achieve thins that you know are not possible. You’ll only worry about achieving them, and that will trigger a whole host of new anxieties. Set yourself realistic goals, and aim to achieve them one step at a time. Remember that life is precious and you need to live in the present as well as hold on to your dreams for the future.

① 과거에 집착하지 말라.
② 원대한 꿈을 가져라.
③ 현재보다 미래를 더 중시하라.
④ 달성 가능한 목표를 추구하라.
⑤ 미래에 대하여 걱정하지 말라.

48. “Will mankind survive?” “Who knows?” The question I want to put is more searching: Who cares? It is clear that most of us today do not care. How many of us would be willing to give up some minor convenience in the hope that this might extend the life of man on earth by a hundred years? Suppose we knew with certainly that mankind could not survive a thousand years unless we gave up our wasteful diet of meat, abandoned all pleasure driving, and cut back on every use of energy. Would we care enough for our children to pay the price of their survival?

① 생활의 여유을 갖자.
② 자연의 생태를 배우자.
③ 후세를 위해 노력하자.
④ 인생을 풍요롭게 하자.
⑤ 여생을 위해 절약하자.

[49~50] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

In many countries, overcrowded cities face a major problem. This has been mainly caused by the drift of large numbers of people from the rural areas. These people have become dissatisfied with the traditional life of farming, and have come to the cities hoping for better work and pay. Unfortunately, however, poor conditions in the urban areas, such as lack of housing, worsening sanitation and unemployment, bring about an increase in poverty, disease and crime.
The only long-term solution is to make life in the rural areas more attractive, which would encourage people to stay there. This could be achieved by providing incentives for people to go and work in the villages. Facilities in the rural areas, such as transport, health, and education services, should be improved to foster a more positive attitude to rural life. The improvement of rural lives is doubly important, because the cities themselves cannot be developed without the prior development of the rural areas.
*sanitation : the use of means for protecting public health

49. 이 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

① Rural Facilities : Present and Future
② Urban Facilities : Present and Future
③ Rural Education : Problem and Solution
④ Urban Overcrowding : Poverty and Crime
⑤ Urban Overcrowding : Problem and Solution

50. 이 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

① 도시의 빈곤 계층이 증가하였다.
② 농촌의 개발이 선행되어야 한다.
③ 도시의 주택 사정이 심각하다.
④ 농촌의 생활 환경이 개선되었다.
⑤ 도시의 위생 시설이 악화되었다.

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